Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Today this passage is fulfilled in your hearing”

If Jesus had had a microphone, this would have been the moment he dropped it. I can only imagine what was going through the minds of the people present when Jesus proclaimed the words of the Prophet Isaiah followed by his declaration. Initially they were probably shocked, and then the Gospel says they were amazed. However, it quickly turns. They begin to challenge him for a “sign” and seven verses later they are trying to drive him off a cliff. They didn’t like what he was saying.

The Gospel this weekend is in stark contrast to the First Reading from Nehemiah. In Nehemiah the Jews had finally returned from the Babylonian exile, had rebuilt the temple and now Ezra was there to proclaim the “forgotten” Law to them. Upon hearing it they were horrified at how far they had fallen from God’s plan for His people. When they heard the word of God and it convicted them, it caused them to repent and change their lives.

The Jews were waiting for a Messiah. They were waiting to be saved, yet when the Savior came and spoke in their presence, they failed to recognize his voice. Not only that, but they drove him away. These two readings are great examples of how we can respond to hearing God’s word. We can hear it and allow it to change our hearts and our lives, or we can get defensive, angry and ignore God’s voice. I challenge each of us this week to spend some time in silent prayer.  Ask God to reveal his voice, especially in areas we have tried to drive him out. May we allow God’s voice to change in us what God desires to change.