13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus is quite harsh in our Gospel reading this weekend! It appears there are many people wanting to follow Jesus and He rebukes them or says, “no thanks.” We hear many examples of things those potential followers must do and then they can follow Jesus. It may seem like a harsh response to tell them to “let the dead bury the dead” and to turn them away, but how different are we? Do we hesitate, make excuses, or postpone answering the call? Do we follow Jesus without changing our lives? I have been working hard on evaluating my time and prioritizing what must be done, what can be done later or by someone else, etc. In looking at the list, where do I make time for self-care? Where do I make time for prayer and my relationship with Jesus? What we hear in this Gospel reading is that Jesus is asking us to evaluate our to-do list. Where does He fall? If our to-do list ends with Jesus rather than starting with Jesus, we will never have time to get to Jesus! This week take a look at all that MUST be done and ensure your relationship with the Lord heads up your list, so that He is your top priority!