The Sacrament of Christian Marriage expresses God’s covenant with humanity through the lifelong union of a man and woman. As their love, understanding of love, and expressions of love grow, they grow in their understanding of God’s love for us. It is a love that helps bring out the best in each other.
In order to be married in the Catholic Church, a couple needs to undergo a marriage preparation process of at least six months. The process is geared to help the couple better understand what is being asked of them prior to entering into this sacred bond. They will discuss important topics such as communication, finances, family, sex, and children, learn more about church teachings, and discern if marriage is the life God is calling them to.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to speak to Cheryl Emmette.
- Contact parish office.
- Initial meeting with Cheryl Emmette, Pastoral Associate
- Marriage Preparation meeting with Fr Stephen (dates are set quarterly)
- Prepare Enrich (a premarital inventory)
- Follow up meetings based on inventory (3-5 meetings)
- Pre-Cana and NFP:
- Pre-Cana at SPX (click here to register) March 1, 2025
- Pre-Cana offerings around the Diocese:
- Meet with Cheryl to plan liturgy
- Meet with Meghan to plan music
Marriage Contact:
Cheryl Emmette, Staff
616.532.9344 x107


If you are interested in being married at St. Pius X, we ask that first:
You attend Mass at St. Pius X regularly (or your local parish if out of the area)
You are a registered parishioner (or close family member)
Are in good standing within the Catholic Church
Paperwork Needed
Recent baptismal certificates (for those who have received a Christian baptism)
Catholic parties should contact the parish where they were originally baptized. Ask them to send a baptismal certificate to St. Pius X (3937 Wilson Ave SW | Grandville, MI | 49418)
Non-Catholic parties should contact the church where they were baptized
A Declaration of Nullity for each prior marriage (if any)
Declaration of Nullity needs to be received for all previous marriages (even if they did not take place in the Catholic church, or if neither party was Catholic at the time)
If you need to start the process to declare a previous marriage null, please contact Cheryl Emmette or the parish office at 532.9344
Marriage Prep
Preparation Overview

The Catholic Church requires that couples seeking to enter into the Sacrament of Marriage receive preparation at least six months before their wedding.
This preparation process is not meant to be a series of hoops but an opportunity as a couple to learn about what marriage is in the eyes of the Catholic Church, reinforce essential relationship skills, discuss key topics prior to marriage, and most importantly, help the couple discern if marriage is the direction they are feeling called to by God.
Steps to Marriage at St. Pius X
Contact parish office to inquire about starting your Marriage prep.
Initial Meeting with Fr. Stephen (Your wedding date can be set at this meeting).
Initial Meeting with Cheryl Emmette, Pastoral Associate for Parish Life.
Couple will take the Prepare/Enrich Premarital Assessment.
Follow up Meetings to Review Couple’s Results (3-5 meetings).
Attend a Pre-Cana Offering
Meet with Cheryl Emmette to plan the liturgy
Final Meeting with Fr. Stephen to plan your wedding ceremony.
Meet with Meghan Schaut, our Music Coordinator, to plan your music.