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The Gospel readings for our first Sunday in Lent show us how even Jesus is tempted. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert, fasting, praying and being tempted by the devil, however he didn’t cave or falter, not even once. Throughout our Lenten journey my hope is for you to recognize those moments of temptation…
Lent starts on Wednesday!?! The readings for Sunday prepare us for Lent, which can you believe, starts on Wednesday! Jesus encourages us to be respectable disciples. If you go to church, profess God as your Savior, or wear a crucifix around your neck that means something. You are representing God, and you get to be…
Forgiveness…we are all called and yet challenged to forgive others. If you are like me, there may be those whom you struggle to fully forgive. It is easy to love those who do not challenge or hurt you. Our readings this weekend challenge us on this topic. We are to forgive all, especially those whom…