New Windows

Dear Friends in Christ,
This past week, the McDuffee windows were replaced. I wanted to
remind all of you why we needed to replace these windows. Over the
years, these windows have greatly deteriorated. Any of you who have
been in that room in the winter knows how cold it could be in McDuffee
(and how warm it was in the summers). Repairing the windows was not
possible. As we looked at replacing the windows, it was explained to me
that saving them would be impossible. This means that due to the poor
shape of the stained-glass windows, it would not have been possible to
take them out intact and mount them to preserve this part of our church’s
In light of that, I asked a parishioner to do some research related to the
windows. We were unable to contact any of the initial families who
financially made it possible to put those windows in our church. Since
coming to St. Pius X, I have reinstituted the building and grounds
Committee. The decision to replace the windows received approval from
both the building and grounds committee and the finance council.
All this to say, it is a sad reality that we have lost a bit of our church’s
history. But I assure all of you, it was the only option we had. The new
windows were a necessary update for the McDuffee room.
During the Easter liturgies, we are in great need of ushers. Especially for
the 10:30am Easter Sunday Mass. I expect that this liturgy will have
600+ people. This means that we will need help seating people more than
normal. So, if there are any ushers that will be attending the 10:30am
Mass, I am asking for your help. Please email Cheryl at to let us know that you are able/willing to
help usher at this Mass. Thank you!
On Holy Thursday, the Roman Missal includes this word of instruction:
“at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, there may be a
procession of the faithful in which gifts for the poor may be presented
with the bread and wine.” This calls to mind that Holy Thursday, the
Mass of the Lord’s Supper, is a Mass that we intentionally remember the
needs of the poor. For those who have been participating throughout the
Lenten season with your Catholic Relief Services Rice bowl, this is the
Mass to bring the Rice bowls back and place them in the basket. I also
encourage people to bring a food item for the pantry. The food pantry
box will be in the gathering area so that we can place our food item in the
box as we head into church for Mass.
In Christ’s love and friendship.