Our New Deacon Intern

St. Pius X will be hosting a permanent deacon intern from now through May. Lawrence Duthler has written an article introducing himself to the parish…and he will also be present at all Masses next weekend.  

Dear St. Pius X Family,

I am excited to introduce myself to you as a candidate for the permanent diaconate in the Diocese of Grand Rapids. As part of our formation, candidates have the privilege of interning at a parish with the goal of observing, learning and experiencing pastoral practices. I am honored and humbled to be assigned to St. Pius X under the supervision of Father Stephen.

My family and I are members of the Basilica of St. Adalbert. My wife, Jennifer, and I have been married for almost 22 years and have three boys, Maxwell (18 and off to GVSU this fall), Ian (16 and a junior at Catholic Central), and Owen (12 and a 7th grader at Immaculate Heart of Mary). We live right around the corner in Wyoming, which is a short distance from where I grew up in Jenison and where Jennifer grew up in Kentwood.

Jennifer and I joined the Catholic Church over 10 years ago after we enrolled Max in the kindergarten program at St. John Vianney. What was supposed to be a one-year kindergarten program became a life-changing conversion to Catholicism. By the grace and love of our Lord, our family came home to the Church. I was overwhelmed by the beauty, richness, and authenticity of the Catholic Faith and I remain humbled by the gifts of scripture, tradition and sacraments that our Lord invites us to participate in through the Church.  When we profess the Nicene Creed together at Mass, I am always especially thankful to exclaim, “I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.”

I love our Catholic Christian Faith and I love the Church. I enjoyed volunteering at the school and at our parish. However, I felt called to get more engaged. So I prayed the prayer that seems to get answered the fastest: “Lord, I am your servant. Show me how I can serve.”  Within a few days, several different friends and mentors asked me if I had ever considered the permanent diaconate! Three years later, I am in the last year of formation.  It has been an incredible journey, which has deepened my faith, my prayer life, and my love of our Lord.

I am so grateful that Father Stephen agreed to welcome me into St. Pius X Parish. It is my hope that I will have the opportunity to meet many of you through the various ministries and events of which I will be observing and participating. I look forward to growing as a deacon candidate and learning from Father Stephen, the parish staff, and all of you. I pray that the Lord will bless our time together, and that through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, my work will be a blessing to Him and all of you. 

In Christ’s love,
