Stewardship is rooted in gratitude.
Thank you for embracing stewardship as a way of life. Every offering of time, talent and treasure is an expression of God’s own generosity and enables our parish to continue its mission as a sign of Christ’s real people, real presence with real purpose in our community.
Text the word GIVE to 616.253.6337, and you’ll receive a link to our giving site.
From there, you can input the amount and choose to set your gift as a one-time or recurring gift.
Online Giving
Click the link below and you will be taken to a secure site to donate!
You can give a one-time gift without creating an account OR you can create an account and select the amount and frequency of your offering. To donate to the sanctuary project, please see the section below.
Traditional Giving
Monetary contributions to the parish can be placed into the collection baskets at any of the Masses, dropped off or sent to the parish office (3937 Wilson Ave SW | Grandville, MI 49418).
Need Envelopes? Registered households are mailed a packet of offertory envelopes every two months. If you are not receiving envelopes, but would like to, please email the parish office or call 616.532.9344.
Sanctuary Project

To donate or pledge to the Sanctuary renovation project, please click the link below.
Learn more about the project by clicking here.
Gospel Giving is always Grateful Giving.
There is no stewardship that is not rooted in gratitude. Traditionally stewardship has been thought of as giving of Time, Talent, and Treasure. We want to propose a new way of thinking about stewardship as: the action of Giving, the action of Praying, and the action of Serving. Together, these make up the acronym “GPS.” An electronic GPS helps navigate a journey toward a destination. In the same sense, the Stewardship GPS guides the Christian along the journey to God.

We thank you for including the parish in the stewardship of your treasure!
If you are interested, you can take our Gifts and Talents inventory by clicking here or by contacting the parish office.