Presentation of the Lord

This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, which does not fall on a Sunday very often. In our Gospel, we hear of Simeon and Anna, both waiting a significant amount of time in the temple for Jesus.
We all experience waiting. We may not wait like Simeon and Anna, but we all wait, pray and long for something. How well do you wait and what does that look like? Do you patiently wait in prayer and show up time and time again? Do you get discouraged and turn away in anger, pain, frustration, or exhaustion?
If you are like me, you will probably do both. I desire to show up, give my first fruits to the Lord, and have the steadfast faith of Simeon and Anna. But there are times when I am exhausted, don’t understand, and want to turn from Him in pain. This weekend I am reminded; to show up every day so the Lord knows my desire and He helps me grow in patience. I may not understand, but I am there to willingly serve Him in what He puts before me each day. How do you need to examine your waiting and show up time and time again?