Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this weekend’s Gospel, we hear about authentic leadership and what it should look like. The passage closes with: “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” What does servant leadership look like and how are we to practice this in our lives? The examples that resonated with me are those given in our psalm and second reading: those of a mother. Reflecting on what it is like as a mother of almost seven years, it is that of humble service. I am taking care of my daughter’s needs first, while still trying to be authentically me. It is a tough balance and many times the needs of others overshadow mine. This is the humility that we are to bring and surrender to in all we do. Applying this lens, how can we bring humility to all our daily interactions? Are we seeking to be noticed, included, praised when we do something, or do we humbly help others and meet them where they are? How can we improve in humility in all we do this week?