Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our readings challenge us to look at ourselves and how we live out the Scriptures. In our second reading we hear, “be doers of the word, not hearers only.” In the Gospel, Jesus points out that our outside actions need to match our insides and what we think and believe.

Both should challenge us to examine ourselves. We all could benefit from a regular check-up! How are you doing this week? Here are some questions to pray with:

  • Do your outside actions manifest God’s love to all you meet, or just those that it is easy to love?
  • What changes do you desire so you can be a doer of God’s word?
  • Do your outside actions match what is in your heart?
  • Are you truly authentic to all you meet?
  • What do you interiorly need to change through God’s grace to act more how He created you?

These are a few ways to focus your prayer this week. May you regularly examine your heart, ask for God’s forgiveness, and desire to manifest His love though your actions authentically to ALL you meet.