What is the Catholic Faith? Beliefs? Traditions? Way of life?
Are you or someone you know interested in finding more about the Catholic Faith?
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

We believe that every individual is on a journey, a journey of finding meaning, of finding God and of finding one’s self. OCIA is a process intended to help individuals journey to a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith and become fully initiated into the Catholic Church.
This is for everyone- those just beginning to ask questions and wanting to find out more to those who have been discerning this step in their faith journey for some time.
The first informational session begins in July each year.
RCIA meets every Wednesday from 7-9pm starting in September.
Contact Katie in the office at (616) 532-9344 or email her at kparker@spxcatholic.org
Inquiry Stage
At this stage, there is no commitment, it is meant to create a safe space to ask questions and to satisfy curiosity about what it means to be a Catholic Christian. Inquiry classes happen throughout the year depending on participants’ interest and availability.
This year they will take place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of July and August at 7:00pm.
Catechumenate Stage
Catechumenate is the next stage after Inquiry. It marks a readiness to commit and a more formal preparation process. At this time, they becomes a catechumen, or a learner in faith. Catechumens meet regularly with other catechumens and a team of catechists for a period of time to learn in more depth about the content, meaning and lifestyle of Catholic Christian faith.
Purification & Enlightenment Stage
When a catechumen feels ready to enter into a formal and final period of preparation for full Initiation into the Church, they celebrate the Rite of Election, in which the bishop of the diocese formally selects catechumens for this final preparation period. The former catechumens are at this point known as the “Elect,” that is, the “chosen.” This reminds them and the entire Church community that our membership in the Church comes through a call from God and our response to this call.
The Elect spend the season of Lent in a soul-searching process of examining