The Sacrament of Confirmation is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation. Confirmation strengthens what was received through Baptism with a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit which unites us more firmly with Christ. It also increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit (wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord) within us.
At Confirmation, the bishop (or delegated priest) anoints the candidate with oil and lays his hands upon them saying, “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” The oil used in Confirmation symbolizes strength and its beautiful perfume reminds us that we are called to spread the fragrance of Christ at home, in our parish and in our world.
Confirmation is a continuation, ratification or sealing of Baptism and it helps us to focus on the missionary dimensions of our baptismal commitment. It gives us special strength through the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith. It confirms our commitment both to the Church and to the work of Christ in the world. Like Baptism, Confirmation is received only once.
For youth, Confirmation is generally celebrated in grade 8 at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew. Adult confirmations are based on individual needs.
Confirmation Contact:
Elizabeth Post, Staff
Middle School Confirmation
MS Confirmation Prep
The Confirmation preparation process is a journey of learning to seek and respond to the Holy Spirit. It is developing a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and assuming a role in the greater Church community. Our primary teacher is the Holy Spirit. Faithful adult leaders and high school peer ministers will provide direction, reflection and concrete activities, which aim to help us better understand the Holy Spirit.
The middle school EDGE program is used in conjunction with our Sacrament of Confirmation preparation. This is a two-year program that begins in 7th grade and is completed with the entrance into high school. Through a variety of teaching methods, middle school teens engage in large group learning, small group discussions, community and team, skits, music, activities, games, various prayer forms and much more. In addition to the regular EDGE nights, the teens participate in service opportunities and retreats. All programing and events are designed to foster the youths’ growth in their personal relationships with Christ and his Church.
MS Confirmation Dates
Preparation 2021-2022
Fall Semester
MS Edge: Scheduled Sundays (see calendar – 80% attendance required)
Personal Interview with Elizabeth (sign up for a time – 7th Grade = Fall, 8th Grade = Winter)
Parish-Wide Service Day: Oct. 9, 2021 (optional but counts for fall service)
- MS Service Day: Nov. 13, 2021
Choose A Sponsor (8th Grade) (Sponsor sheet due by Nov. 21)
Sponsor Retreat (8th Grade): Dec. 9, 2021 6:00-8:00pm (Sponsors Required)
Spring Semester
MS Edge: Scheduled Sundays (see calendar – 80% attendance required)
- MS “Fall” Retreat: Jan. 14-15 (Guys and Girls Separate)
- Service Day: Feb. 12
- Participate in Stations of the Cross during Lent: Mar 4
- Choose a Saint’s name and write a short biography him/her (8th Grade): Mar 6
SPX Confirmation Retreat (8th Grade): Mar. 19&20
Rite of Entrance: Sunday, Mar. 20 at 10:30 AM Mass (Sponsor required)
- Know the Apostles Creed: March 21 (all)
Letter of Intention: Sunday, Mar. 27 (8th grade)
Immediate Preparation
Immediate Preparation @ MS Edge: Sunday in Sept-Apr.
Discern sponsor
Weekly Mass participation
Sacrament of Confirmation: Cathedral of St. Andrew, May 4, 2022 at 7:00pm (8th grade)
(For announcements on final dates/times pay attention to emails/notices/bulletin)
*The retreats are required events. Contact Elizabeth if you have a conflict.
MS Confirmation Paperwork