The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the two Sacraments of Healing. Baptism washes away our sins but few of us will never sin again after that moment. In order to restore our souls to a state of grace, the Church was given the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It celebrates and reminds us of God’s abundant love and mercy and helps us to experience divine forgiveness, to forgive ourselves and to become reconciled with others.
The Sacrament celebrates ongoing conversion. Conversion is always a response to being loved by God and is an ongoing, lifelong process. It helps the penitent to grow in precisely the areas that God is calling him or her to change. It is a radically communal celebration because it helps us to realize how deeply our identity in Christ is bound up with our brothers and sisters in faith. If you haven’t received this sacrament in a while, please do not be afraid. God always welcomes us back, and the priest will walk with you through the steps.
Reconciliation Times
Saturdays: 4-4:45pm
Some Thursdays 4-5pm See the bulletin to confirm.
Other times by appointment with the pastor.
Communal Reconciliation Services
We offer communal Reconciliation Services during the liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent. They are typically in the evening.
Our Reconciliation services are prayerful opportunities to reflect on the ways we have failed to love ourselves, our neighbor, and God as we should, and the endless mercy God offers us in spite of these failings.
Reconciliation services include individual opportunities to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
1st Reconciliation Preparation
Preparation for the First Communion and Reconciliation take place primarily in our second grade Religious Education classes and in the homes of our children. In addition to the regularly scheduled classes, we have four parent and child retreats throughout the year the dive a little deeper into the purpose and meaning of the sacraments. The First Reconciliation liturgy takes place during Lent. First Communions are celebrated during the Easter Season. For important dates, click here.
Please contact the Formation Office | 616.538.2600 for further information.