Sr. Luvia Announcement
It was with much sadness that we learned Sr. Luvia Joseph passed away from a heart attack on Saturday evening, June 12. We mourn the loss of our dear friend: but, rejoice that she is in Heaven with our beloved Savior. Sr Luvia’s love of Jesus was contagious, and she helped us to love Jesus more fully. Many who have known her believe her to be a true saint.
On June 28th, those who have been intimately involved from our parish with the mission in Haiti spoke with Fr Bazile. He explained that Sr Geulyne Chataigne will be Sr Luvia’s successor. She will oversee: 1) Sr Luce who will run the orphanage; 2) Fr Macley who will lead the Brothers as well as his own parish, and;3) Fr Bazile who will be head of St Alphonse school. The school will also elect board members to help run the school.
They have met and appointed people to take over various aspects of the mission work started by Sr. Luvia. When the group form SPX visited previously they had meet these individuals and so they are known to those closely involved in the mission work there. Fr Brazile Elusma will oversee the school (St. Alphonse de Liguori Catholic School) and church in Port au Prince. Fr Mackley Joseph (she was pretty sure it is Joseph) will oversee the mission in Miragoane. Sister Guelyne Chataigne (pronounced shot-tay) will be the sister that is overseeing all of the mission work and handling all of the work that Sister Luvia did previously. In total, four people are needed to cover all that Sr. Luvia was doing in Haiti. Wow! She truly gave her all to the Lord. 😊
Over the past year, St. Pius X and the organization WhatSoEverYouDo (founded to help Sr. Luvia’s mission) helped to donate laptop computers to the school . We asked that pictures be forwarded to Whatsoeveryou do once the computers have been installed in the classroom .
They have already began construction of a monument where Sister Luvia is buried and made significant progress. They are still in need of $3,000 more to bring the entire project to completion. They also have started the process of canonization for Sr. Luvia. What a blessing it would be to have her recognized as a Saint.
Friends, let us never forget the great work and impact of Sr. Luvia – a joyful servant who just loved the person in front of her. May we remain committed to helping our sisters and brothers in Haiti. And may we pray in gratitude for Sr. Luvia who taught so many that Jesus loved them. May she one day be recognized as a Saint, what a blessing that would be.