22nd Week of Ordinary Time
“Be doers of the word and not hearers only.”
We hear this in our Second Reading this weekend and it is one thing that really resonates with me this week. I have always tried to live by this, so much that my favorite coffee cup I have in the office says, “Be the change you wish to see I the world.” All the years I have worked in ministry, the mission trips that I have led, pastoral care encounters, the list goes on…. I try to be God’s hands and feet in the world. My relationship with God is not just for me, but for me to show others how important it is. I strive every day to do God’s will. Do I fall short some days, maybe? But the next day is another chance to mirror God’s love to those I encounter.
I find myself in this new role the last few years, but particularly now. It is not just about sharing my gifts with everyone else. As a parent, I also strive to help show my daughter how to be a doer of the word and not just a hearer. I focus a lot with her on how to interact with others, care for others, and how she can share her gifts and love with others. I want her to grow in faith, learn about God, develop a relationship with Him, but also take all of that and change the world!
It is a tall order, but we all make an impact. How are our daily interactions with others? Do we practice what we hear on Sundays? Are we reflecting God’s love in all that we say and do? Do we take the time to help others know and love Him? We all are on a journey, and each day is an opportunity to make an impact. Let us make the little interactions and things we do reflect great love, and be a doer, not just a hearer this week!