15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this weekend’s Gospel, we hear of the disciples being sent out on mission and what Jesus is requiring of them. He tells them to take nothing, rely on their faith, and to be authentically themselves to carry out His mission. The same is being asked of us, but often we struggle to listen.

Jesus gives us what we need, and He is continually supporting us on our journey. I often will  overprepare or overthink so I can control an outcome. If I am prepared, then things will go as I hope. If I am the person I want people to perceive me as, they will like or listen to me. I am sure many of you can relate to these thoughts of reading a room or being self-sufficient to get what we desire. But that is not what we are called to do.

What if we authentically were who God desires us to be? What extra baggage do you need to shed so you can live authentically? We all need to make adjustments and change is  hard. We are instructed to take nothing and be authentic in our Gospel. Where will you start this week?