Logistics During the Sanctuary Renovation
Dear Friends in Christ,
As we prepare to move from the church into Danner Hall for the celebration of Mass during the sanctuary renovation, here are some important updates and details to help make this transition as smooth as possible for everyone.
Funerals and Adoration: All funerals will take place in Danner Hall during the renovation. Unfortunately, this means we will not be able to host funeral luncheons, as we simply won’t have the space to accommodate them. Additionally, Tuesday Adoration will be suspended until we return to the church. Thursday Adoration will continue in Danner Hall from 9am-5pm.
To enter Danner Hall for Mass, please use any of the following entrances:
- Door A (Main Doors of the Church): Enter through the main doors, then walk down
the hallway to Danner Hall. - Door D (Sarto Entrance)
- Door H: This door is located in the hallway between Danner Hall and the choir
room. Enter through Door H, then turn right at the end of the hallway. - Door G: This is the direct entrance to Danner Hall from the side parking lot.
Parking Notes: We ask that you leave the spaces closest to Danner Hall for those with handicap needs. If you are physically able, please park in the main lot to allow better access for those who need it. There is very limited parking available adjacent to Danner Hall so we want to make sure that our seniors and those with extra physical needs have priority to park in these spaces.
Reconciliation in McDuffee: Confessions will take place in the McDuffee Room during the renovation. People will line up in the hallway outside McDuffee and the media center. If the confession door is open, it means I’m available. If the door is closed, please wait your turn in line.
Liturgical Postures in Danner Hall: Since there will not be kneelers in Danner Hall, I encourage everyone to remain standing during the parts of the Mass where we normally kneel. If standing for extended periods is difficult for you, please feel free to sit with reverence during these times.
Weekend Mass Attendance: As we transition to celebrating Mass in Danner Hall, we want to ensure that everyone can be accommodated as comfortably as possible. Danner Hall will be set up with approximately 380 chairs for each Mass, with additional standing room available. However, the 10:30am Mass is our most attended. We ask that some people who usually attend this Mass consider shifting to the 5:30pm Saturday Mass or the 8:30am Sunday Mass. Your flexibility will help us make the most of our temporary space and ensure we can accommodate everyone during this time. Daily Mass will begin in Danner Hall on Tuesday, December 10, and Sunday Masses will move there starting Saturday, December 14.
Live-Stream of Mass: We will continue to live-stream the 10:30am Mass. It will be a very simple production with one camera focused on the altar.
As we settle into Danner Hall, there will no doubt be some unanticipated issues or challenges that arise. Please be patient with us as we work through them and find solutions. Thank you for your cooperation and flexibility as we enter this exciting phase of our sanctuary project. Together, let us remain focused on the joy that awaits when we return to our beautifully renovated church in time
for Easter.
In Christ’s Love and Friendship,
Fr. Stephen