A Busy Fall

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Trunk or Treat!
Can you believe we are already six weeks into the NFL season? Man, does it
go by quick. As unfortunate as the Detroit Lions season is, football is fun
and a part of what makes fall so great.
There is just something that I love about the fall. I love the fall colors. I love
hot coffee on a nice sunny fall morning. And yes, I even love watching the
Lions, as torturous as it can be at times. Another great part of fall, are
things like Halloween and trick or treating. Next weekend, our parish will
host Trunk or Treat. Last year it was such a wonderful event. One family
even decorated their car with Michigan gear. They also had a grave stone
with MSU colors on it that said “Rest in peace.” Unsurprisingly, that was not
my favorite car! I would like to invite families to consider coming out for
this special event next Sunday. Here are some important details:
• When: October 30 from 5-6pm in the main parking lot
• Who: Those with young families for “trunk or treat” and those who
wish to decorate a car and hand out candy
- Decorated cars: please arrive around 4:30 to get set up (no
electrical hookup) - Decorated cars park in the main lot
- Prize for most popular trunk
- Participants: Enter lot off of Wilson and park in the side lot
and back by Danner (to keep main lot free for decorated cars
and trunk or treating). Entrances off of 40th will be blocked.
Holy Days of Celebration
Notice what I did there? Yes, we call holy days, Days of Obligation, but I
think it would behoove us to use a different word. These special days are
not meant to feel like another thing we have to do, but rather, and extra
celebration where we give God thanks and praise. The holy days that are
coming up are the Solemnity of All Saints (November 1) and the
Immaculate Conception (December 8). Reminder: our parish on Holy Days
celebrates Mass at 9am and 7pm.
Holy Hour for our Nation and the Election
Join with the Crossroads Parishes for a special hour of prayer on
Monday, November 7, from 7-8pm at Holy Redeemer Parish
(2700 Baldwin St). We gather to pray for right discernment, and the
courage to Respect Life and to live the Gospel Message.
November and the Vocations Office
Admittedly, November feels like a whirlwind every year for me. I will visit
the Mundelein Seminarians from November 1-4. I will take a group of high
school aged men to visit Saint John Vianney College Seminary November
17-19 and visit and check in with our college seminarians November 29–
December 2. I apologize for all the times I will be away from the parish.
Please note, I have secured priests for Masses during the time I will be with
the seminarians.