An Announcement & An Invitation

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

An Announcement: Our parish has been asked to host a permanent deacon intern from September through May. His name is Lawrence Duthler. He will soon introduce himself to the parish.  He and his family currently attend the Basilica as their home parish. Lawrence is not a seminarian. He is married with children.  He is studying for the permanent diaconate to assist in the parishes of the diocese. Please pray for Lawrence as he prepares for his time here at St. Pius X. May God bless this good work he has begun in Lawrence!

An Invitation: I want to thank Deacon Jacob Zemaitis for being with us last weekend. His three reminders about what it means to have faith and vigilance are great for us to bring to prayer over the next few weeks. Those three things are:

1. Live as a Beloved of God – that is what each of us are. A loved son and daughter of the Heavenly Father.

2. Through Jesus Christ God has visited his people. Deacon Zemaitis reminded us that this was not just something that happened 2000 years ago, but is happening again and again today; especially at the Liturgy of the Eucharist where Jesus reveals himself and is present to us really and truly through the bread and wine. Bishop Walkowiak has encouraged the priests to invite people back to Mass with particular attention towards those who have yet to return since the pandemic. Together is where we belong; especially together at Mass in communion with our Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Finally, the holy deacon reminded us that we should be careful of any complacency in our faith lives. A faith that is alive does not stop growing, isn’t static, but rather is constantly seeking the Lord, growing, and conforming our hearts more closely to His heart so we can love as Christ loves.

Over the next several weeks, I invite all of us to bring these points to prayer. I do want to emphasize in a particular way, the importance of point number two. Jesus has indeed visited God’s people. We can visit Jesus week after week at Mass. Consider prayerfully those people in your lives who have not returned to Mass and invite them to come back with you. 

A great place to start would be our parish picnic scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 18. Please mark your calendars for this wonderful event. There will be food, a cornhole tournament, bingo, prizes, inflatables, face painting, and more.  But most importantly this is a day for us to gather, to invite people home to their parish, and above all to remember that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday as he is today. He is changing lives, and he loves each of us. He loves you.  Let’s gather on Sept.18 for a wonderful picnic, welcome each other home, and celebrate what Jesus is doing at St. Pius X.

In Christ’s love and friendship.