Corpus Christi

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Camp Edge
This week I will be going with our Middle School teens for Camp Edge. We will be discussing all sorts of cool and interesting things in our faith. Like, why do some saints experience the stigmata? What are relics and why do we have them? Why does father wear vestments especially during the summer when its so hot (I find myself asking this same question at times J)? It will be a fun week of learning and activities. Please pray that this time for our Camp Edge participants will help them grow closer to Jesus and to see God’s presence more in their lives.
In light of that, daily Mass will be canceled on Wednesday. I was unable to find a sub for that Mass and apologize for the inconvenience. We will have daily Mass on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday as normal.
Adoration and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
This week we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi (The Most Holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ). I pray the time that we spend in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the end of each Mass is a powerful experience of prayer for you. If this was a new experience for you or were reminded of this type of prayer, and you felt drawn to pray more with Jesus in this way, I invite you to consider signing up for an hour of prayer on Thursdays. We offer exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9am-5pm. During the summer days, many go on vacation so there is plenty of need for subs during this time. May the body and blood of Jesus continue to transform our lives, so that we can bring Jesus into the world.
In Christ’s love and friendship,
Fr. Stephen