Easter Sunday

Dear Parishioners,

Happy Easter! Alleluia, Alleluia! This is the day of salvation as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. But this is not just a past event, the resurrection continues to be relevant to all of us today. The risen Jesus is alive and present to each one of us.

The story of the road to Emmaus is a wonderful reminder of the power of encountering risen Jesus in our lives. As the disciples walked along the road, their hearts heavy with sorrow and confusion, Jesus drew near to them, accompanying them on their journey. It was in the breaking of the bread that their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him. Similarly, in our own lives, Jesus walks with us, especially in our moments of doubt, confusion, and despair. He invites us to encounter Him in the ordinary moments of our lives, but Christ also invites us to encounter Him in the Eucharist. Just as the disciples recognized the risen Christ in the breaking of the bread, we also encounter Him in the Eucharist, and in doing so, experience the profound joy and hope that comes from knowing He is with us always.

Central to our celebration of Easter is the belief in an empty tomb—the undeniable truth that Jesus has truly risen from the dead! The empty tomb serves as a powerful testament to the victory of life over death and hope over despair. It is a reminder that no matter how dark the night may seem; the dawn of resurrection and new life awaits us. As we rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus, may we be renewed in our faith and emboldened to proclaim this Good News to all those around us. In the same way that the early disciples, convinced of the reality of Jesus’ resurrection, went forth to preach the Good News to all whom they encountered, may we too be inspired to share the message of Easter with others. Let us be like the disciples who, filled with the joy of encountering the risen Christ, could not help but share that joy with our family, friends, and yes, even strangers!

As we journey through this Easter season, may we be open to encountering the risen Christ in our midst, and may His resurrection fill our hearts with joy, hope, and renewed faith. Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed and Happy Easter!

In Christ’s love and Friendship,

Fr. Stephen Durkee