Lent is coming!

Dear Friends in Christ,

At the beginning of Mass, after the priest greets the people, we move into the penitential act, which has three options.  The most familiar one is the following:

                  You were sent to heal the contrite of heart,  Lord have mercy. R.

                  You came to call sinners, Christ have mercy. R.

                  You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us, Lord have mercy. R.

The other common penitential act used in parishes is:

I confess to almighty God, and to you my brothers and sisters…

But there is a third option:

The Priest says: Have Mercy on us, O Lord. 

The people respond: For we have sinned against you.

The Priest: Show us, O Lord, your mercy.

The people: And grant us your salvation. 

As I mentioned in my bulletin column last week, Lent is just around the corner.  Last year, we prayed the third option during Lent. We are going to continue to use this form of the penitential act during the season of Lent.  Its appropriate because Lent is a time that we acknowledge our sinfulness and tendency to turn away from God.  This penitential act is a nice way to acknowledge our sinfulness and intentionally turn our lives back to God.  It will be provided in the worship aids as well.


This past week our second graders made their first reconciliation. 

Unfortunately, I missed this time with them as I was sick with the flu. Thank you to Fr. Chris Rouech, who filled in for me.  I am very grateful to Glenda, Elizabeth, and all our catechists for wonderfully preparing our youngsters for the sacrament of penance.  I pray that this time was a wonderful experience of God’s love and mercy.


This week I will be away, Monday-Friday,  on a spiritual retreat.  Each year priests are recommended by the Church to take one five-day

retreat.  I planned mine this year right before Lent begins in order to prepare my heart and mind for the season of penance.  Please pray that I am able to receive what God desires to give me during this time spent with Him.  Fr. Larry King will be celebrating Daily Masses next week. Know of my prayers for each of you as well.