Sanctuary Update
Dear Friends in Christ,
Sanctuary Project
I am excited to share with you the latest update on our sanctuary project. We have officially selected Wolverine Construction as our general contractor! We are confident that Wolverine Construction is the right fit for our project, and we believe they will do an excellent job. The schedule is being finalized, and as of now, construction will begin on December 10, with completion just before Easter. That is the plan, the prayer, and the hope!
With our sanctuary renovation project beginning on December 10, all daily and weekend Masses will be celebrated in Danner Hall. Given the larger crowds we typically see at Christmas, we have added an additional Mass on Christmas Eve to accommodate everyone. Our Christmas Eve Masses will be held at 4:30pm, 7:30pm, and 10:30pm, and our Christmas Day Mass is at 9:30am. I hope this early notice allows families to plan which Mass will work best for them. Since space will limited, and the 4:30pm Christmas Eve Mass is likely to be very full, please consider attending one of the other Masses if at all possible to help us accommodate everyone. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility!
Vocations Office
Additionally, I wanted to let you know that I will be away for my last two seminary visits in November. From November 5-8, I’ll be at Mundelein Seminary to visit our major seminarians. From November 14-16, I will also be taking a busload of young men to Saint John Vianney Seminary for our annual Vianney Visit. This is an important time of discernment for many of these young men, and I ask that you please keep them in your prayers, as well as pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood. The need for priests is great in our diocese.
In light of the Vianney Visit, I encourage you to consider inviting any young men you know from our parish to attend. I will be personally reaching out to a few guys, but don’t underestimate the Holy Spirit’s ability to work through you! The Vianney Visit is for young men who are at least 16 years old and in their junior year of high school or older. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn more about seminary life and the priesthood.
Parish Mission!
I am excited to announce that we will be hosting a Parish Mission with Hallow on November 17, 18 & 19! Joshua Danis from Hallow is returning to lead us in three inspiring evenings of faith and reflection. Each night, from
7-8pm in the church, Joshua will offer presentations designed to deepen our prayer lives and set the stage for our upcoming Hallow Prayer Challenge during Advent. Refreshments will be served afterward, providing a great opportunity for fellowship. Mark your calendars and join us for this wonderful chance to grow in faith and prepare our hearts for the Advent season.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
In Christ’s Love and Friendship,