Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Thank You
Here we are in a New Year, 2023, and this is a time that many people try
developing new habits or make positive changes in their lives. One thing
I can be better at this year is saying “thank you.” When people do
something kind or generous, writing a thank you note is always an
immediate thought, “make sure to remember to thank them for that.”
As so often happens for me, if I don’t do the thank you note in that
moment, it is likely that it will not happen. All that to say, there are
many “thank yous” that I wish I would have written in my life.
Why is this relevant? Well, many of you are aware that people
volunteer through signup genius to drop off a meal to the rectory on
Tuesday evenings. These meals are great! They are wonderful. Not only because the food is delicious (and believe me – it is!), but these meals
also are a great help to me, because Tuesday tends to be a day that I am
going from one thing to the next. But, I recognize what I have not done
well is to say thank you. And so, I wanted to take this opportunity in the
bulletin to say thank you to all those who have brought me a meal over
the past year. It is a tremendous gift and a great help to me. Often
times, these meals are healthier than the other option I might choose
(e.g. Culver’s – yikes!).
So, thank you for the wonderful meals. Thank you for treating me like
family. Thank you for your kindness and love. Words cannot express my
gratitude. ☺

Receiving the Precious Blood from the Chalice
As many are aware, it has been a particularly bad flu season. Many have
experienced the flu, a cold, or COVID. During these winter months, it is
important for us to practice proper etiquette when it comes to the
chalice. This means that if any of us are experiencing cold/flu-like
symptoms we should abstain from the chalice. One receives the fullness
of Christ’s body and blood through the host. While it is a fuller
experience to receive the precious blood, it is not necessary to receive
the fullness of grace in the Eucharist. In order to protect others from
becoming sick, please refrain from the chalice if you are experiencing
any symptoms that might be contagious. The extra layer of protection
is an act of charity towards others.

Go Lions
How do I not say something about the LIONS! I hope many of you
shared in my excitement last week as our Detroit Lions took care of the
Packers to end the season 9-8. Dan Campbell certainly has that team
motivated and playing together. I cannot wait for next season. ☺
Things are certainly looking up!
In Christ’s love and friendship,