Seminary Visits

Dear Friends in Christ,
Seminary Visits
It’s hard to believe that November is already here. This begins a long month of travel for me. For many parishioners, you may not notice how often I’m away. For the staff and daily Mass goers, my absence is felt much more. This is due to my obligations to the seminarians.
This past week I was with our graduate seminarians at Mundelein. During these visits, I meet with each guy individually, check in with the formation staff at the seminary, and encourage our men who are discerning a vocational call to the priesthood.
In a few weeks, I’ll go check in with our men at Saint John Vianney College Seminary. Please keep all of our seminarians in your prayers as they pray, discern, and follow God in their life.
Annual Vianney Visit
I will also be gone the weekend of November 20-21. This weekend, I’ll bring a group of young men between the ages of 16-24 to visit the college seminary. This is a great opportunity to come and see what the seminary is like, the fraternity, the life of the prayers, and the academic schedule.
I would like to invite any young man from St. Pius X who may be considering a vocation to the priesthood to join me on the Vianney Visit. The cost is free to attend. We leave bright and early on Thursday, November 18, and return late on Saturday, November 20. Email me or Pattie Reynolds to sign up.
Please thank the Padres
During these times away, three retired priests will help me tremendously. Fr. Len Sudlik, Fr. Tom Simons, and Fr. Larry King will all spend time filling in for me this month. When they are here, please thank them for their time and willingness to help out. Pastors rely on the generosity of the retired brothers in the diocese for coverage while we are away. I am very grateful to these priests for their willingness to help me continue to meet your spiritual needs while I’m with our seminarians and discerners.
In Christ’s love and friendship,
Fr. Stephen