Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends in Christ,

Welcome Julie!
It is with great joy and enthusiasm that we introduce our new
Administrative Assistant in the Faith Formation Office, Julie Kemme!
Many of you may already know Julie as a dedicated parishioner and a
lector at our Masses for several years. Her commitment to our
community and her passion for our faith make her a wonderful addition
to our staff. We are blessed to have her on board, and we look forward
to her valuable contributions to our staff and parish community!

Advent Reflection Books
As we continue to journey through the parish year of Eucharistic Revival,
we are doing something a little different with the Advent reflection
books. In lieu of our traditional Advent reflection book, we have chosen
to delve deeper into the heart of our faith – the Eucharist. Through the
book, Beautiful Eucharist from Dynamic Catholic, we aim to cultivate a
richer understanding and a more profound connection with Jesus
through His Real Presence in the Eucharist. May our collective reflections
on the Eucharist inspire us to approach this Advent with hearts open to
receive the transformative grace it offers.

Updated Policy on Mass Intentions
We would like to bring to your attention an updated policy regarding
Mass intentions from the Diocese of Grand Rapids. The norm is now one
intention for one Mass. This is a major change for us at St. Pius X Parish.
We have allowed collective Mass Intentions for quite some time,
however, now we need to limit the intention for one person at each
Mass. This norm will go into effect starting January 1, 2024.
The Diocese of Grand Rapids does recognize the need for collective Mass
intentions. From the updated norms, we are allowed “no more than two
Masses with collective intentions and offerings may be offered in any
given month.” This allows us to continue some of our traditions at the
parish. For example, we automatically pray for deceased members, who
had funerals at our parish on their first anniversary. Since we have two
masses a month that can be offered for more than one intention, it
enables us to continue to do this tradition. By and large, however, it will
be one intention per Mass.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we implement
these updates. If you have any questions or need further clarification,
please do not hesitate to reach out to the parish office.

In Christ’s love and friendship.