Volunteers Needed

Dear Friends in Christ,

Last week as I came down from the ambo to preach at the 10:30 Mass, I was so excited about the number of people who were here. We have come a long way since I first began a year ago, when we averaged 80 people at Mass. Of course, that was during the height of the pandemic, and we were taking reservations to attend Mass.

This past weekend we had over 350 people at the 10:30 Mass. Not exactly pre-pandemic levels, but we are getting close. This is certainly exciting! Although we are not out of the woods yet with the pandemic, hopefully we are getting closer.

When the pandemic began, many ministries were changed to meet our needs at that time. We went from three altar servers to zero.

We went from 5-8 ushers, to around 3-4 at each Mass, and so on. Now that numbers are inching closer and closer to pre-pandemic levels, the need to return to pre-pandemic levels of volunteers in ministries is substantial.

I would like to ask everyone to

consider helping us in some ministry. The need is great. The following are areas where help is needed the


  • Ushers: I would like to begin passing baskets soon; we cannot dothis until we have more ushers.
  • Altar Servers: It would be great to have two or three servers atweekend liturgies.
  • Extraordinary Ministers of Communion to the Homebound: Weare always in need of people who are willing to take Communionto our vulnerable, sick, and homebound parishioners.
  • Donut Ministry: It’s coming back! In order for us to gather as acommunity, we need volunteers who are willing to pick updonuts, set up donuts, make coffee, and clean up.
  • Community Commission: Needs people who would like to helpplan social events to bring people together at St. Pius X.
  • There are many other areas of need in our parish. Pleaseconsider how you or your family can help as we begin to meet the needs of more and more people at weekend liturgies.For information on how to help in Parish Life or Liturgical Ministry opportunities email Cheryl Emmette at cemmette@spxcatholic.org.For information on how to help spiritual care, grief ministry, Com- munion to the homebound, and Outreach please email Rosemary Beahan at rbeahan@spxcatholic.org.

In Christ’s love and friendship,

Fr. Stephen