13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this weekend’s Gospel, we hear about two daughters. One is a child who is gravely ill, and the other is a woman one has a chronic illness and has been bleeding for 12 years. This reading could not have come at a better time for me. As a mom of a child with chronic health needs and some upcoming interventions this summer, they resonate with me differently this week. I can relate to Jarius wanting to do anything to help his child, as I’m sure most of us can. I must trust doctors to make the best choices and choose interventions to help give my child the best quality of life, even when I am wrapped in so much fear. The second daughter in the story is one who has a chronic illness and wants to be well, just as it is my wish for my child with chronic lung disease. With both daughters, there must be trust, overcoming the doubt, and courage to challenge the fear.
This is easy for me to write, but to be honest, hard to live. This week I am struggling to overcome the fear. I “know” I must trust in the Lord and His guiding hand is there and has been with me on this journey. I find it harder to live out. I find myself overwhelmed with emotion and am challenging myself this week to believe the words we hear, “Go in peace…”
What is happening in your life that you need to challenge the doubt and learn to trust? Where are your fears and how can you lead with courage in those challenging moments? We all have our afflictions, our doubts, our fears that Jesus desires to heal. How can you fully place your trust in Him this week so you can go in peace?