18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Something I admittedly took for granted growing up was how my parents consistently prepared delicious home-cooked meals. No matter what I had going on that day, be it school exams or a musical performance, I could always expect a substantial dinner waiting at home. Now that I cook for myself, I’m much more grateful for their time in ensuring we ate well; it’s a genuine sacrifice!
I think this gratitude is similar to how God’s Chosen People felt when commemorating God’s role as provider, as they do in their prayers and holy days. In today’s reading from Exodus, they witnessed God directly and tangibly satisfying their material needs with the Manna (the “Bread from Heaven”) and quail.
This story is embedded in Jewish culture and identity, and it still shows us present-day Christians that our God is a Father who provides. All the just means to satisfy our material needs are gifts from God. Most importantly, God satisfies our spiritual needs through His Son Jesus Christ, His teachings, His Church, His Sacraments, and even His simple presence, making Himself available to all generations. In fact, the Holy Eucharist is a fulfillment and elevation of the manna in the desert: God Himself becomes the bread life, and we consume Him in Communion! What gift could be more beautiful and satisfying than that?
Therefore, I encourage all to ask God to provide for you, be it graces, material needs, peace, strength, protection, or healing. Pray daily and frequent the Sacraments, particularly the Eucharist (through Daily Mass and Adoration) and Confession. God is eager to care for us, especially when we ask for it; though we may not always get what we ask for, God always gives us what we need, even if He just reminds us that His presence is enough!