20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The last 4 weeks we have heard in the Gospel of John that Jesus is the Bread of Life. He has repeated Himself over and over again because it is so important for us to comprehend His message. Jesus wants us to understand that He nourishes us and gives us life and without Him we will never be satisfied.
If you are a parent, you can relate on a similar level. How many times do you repeat yourself to help guide your child(ren)? If it is something that is so important, you will repeat it many times. We are disheartened when our message is not understood or well received, and we say it again. I feel like this is why the entire 6th chapter of John is saying the same thing in many ways. We must fully comprehend the sacrifice that Jesus has made for us so that we may have enteral life.
Is there life within you? How do you need to challenge yourself to fully comprehend the gift we are given in the Eucharist? May what we receive each week transform us and nourish us to be the people God created to carry out His work to all we meet.