27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This weekend, our parish holds its annual Day of Service where we enact beautiful and corporal works of mercy to our surrounding community. In considering this day, I was reminded of the exchange between Jesus and a scholar (Luke 10:25-37). The scholar rightly names the greatest commandment: “Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart…and your neighbor as yourself.” The scholar then asks: “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus answers with the familiar parable of the Good Samaritan in which the titular character helps a suffering man beaten half-dead by a robber. Jesus champions the Samaritan for his love and mercy and then tells the scholar (and us) to “go and do likewise.”
For the Day of Service, SPX exhorts all of us to care for people experiencing significant suffering: Residents in assisted living, women experiencing pregnancy crises, patients without blood, kids without food…We may not encounter them in our day-to-day, but they and their needs are still present and real. We may not know all of them by name, but they are still in our immediate community…which makes them our neighbors whom we are called to love. Whether or not these neighbors are friends, family, or convenient to meet, or easy to love, Jesus makes none of these distinctions when He instructs us to care for them. This is part of the “Great Commandment” as well, making this level of love for neighbor a top priority if we are to remain faithful disciples of Jesus.
Through SPX, Jesus presents our neighbors and a critical invitation this weekend: Shall we make caring for our neighbors a top priority? How can you give more of your time, talents, and treasures to aid the community? May God give us graces to love boldly and serve generously!