31st Week of Ordinary Time

How many times have you asked for someone’s opinion, hoping for a clear answer, and are challenged by their response? When I ask another person, I hope that some of my hard decisions become clearer. Some could say the scribe in this Sunday’s Gospel is looking for a clear response. Could he be looking for the easy answer of what commandment he has to keep or which one is most important? Maybe.

The scribe is met with the same response we are met with; a “but also” complex answer that isn’t simple. He was looking for one commandment and Jesus responded with two, and not easy ones. Give everything to God and others! But how do we do that?

Maybe by being challenged to grow in our love for God and love for others daily. It demands everything from us: all our time, energy, strength, and will. If we are truly striving to fulfill and live out Jesus’ words this week, we should examine how we love God, ourselves, and neighbors. How do we need to stretch and give more?

Can I give more of my time?
Can I pray more?
Can I listen to God’s will and not my own?
How can I love the person who is challenging to love right now?

All of these are ways that God is asking us to grow so that we will not be far from the Kingdom of God!

What do you need to change this week so He knows you are full of understanding?

by Cheryl Emmette – Pastoral Associate for Parish Life