Ascension of the Lord

As we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension, I can only imagine what the disciples must have felt like that day. I know how I felt on my first day of teaching or my first day as a therapist/case manager. I knew I had learned so much through college and internships, but lacked the confidence in myself that I could do what I was being asked of me. My guess is we have all felt that way at some point and the disciples did too!
We are given the gifts of the Holy Spirit and God’s unconditional love and asked to go out into the world and share this with others. How many times do you feel unequipped to share your faith with others? Maybe you don’t witness your faith by praying before meals in restaurants. Maybe you step back from hard conversations that go against the truth of your faith because it is unpopular in society. Maybe you allow sinfulness to weigh you down rather than acting as Christ would in challenging situations. These are just a few examples of how I struggle and likely you do too.
In our readings, the disciples “went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs.” We must be reminded that the Lord is with us through challenging moments, but we are called to be authentic and act as Christ would in all we do. How might you do one thing that challenges you this week? May you know the peace of Christ is always with you in all you do and He has equipped you with all you need.