Be Joyfully Bold

On the heels of Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, the readings for Sunday really resonate with the JOYful feeling of being grateful! My heart feels so warm after focusing on all the people, opportunities, and the physical and spiritual things I have for which I am so thankful and attribute to my Lord and Savior.

It is a reminder, that as John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, we are also called to make straight the paths that lead to the Lord. Our thoughts, words, and especially our actions speak loudly to those around us who do not believe or trust in He Who Saves.

I pray, as did Paul, with joy for all of you at St. Pius X, because of your partnership with the Gospel and the ways that you carry out your faith, Christ’s love increases. God will continue the good works in you and through you as you proclaim the Good News! So, be BOLD. Share Christ’s LOVE unashamedly so all may see the salvation of God. AMEN!