Christ the King Sunday

This Sunday, we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. By “universe,” I mean everything and all that’s in it…including you and me. If we’re honest with ourselves, there are parts of us that are uncomfortable with the idea of someone “ruling over” us, especially considering that our own country was founded by the subjects of an unjust king breaking away from him!
However, we must remember that Jesus isn’t just some other king…rather, He is the standard of kingliness that ALL leaders are trying to imitate! The best attribute of Jesus’ kingship is His perfect, selfless love for His subjects. He promises eternal life with His words (John 3:16) and then offers it to us through His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. His sacrifice shows with concrete action that He is willing to cast aside all things for our good, even His own life!
What else does Jesus wish to give us? Peace (Luke 24:36). Joy (John 16:33). Hope (2 Cor 4:16-18). These and all the other fruits of the Holy Spirit are things we desire in the depths of our being, and Jesus will give them to us in superabundance if we receive Him, allowing Him to reign in our hearts.
In this fallen world, many people have promised to lead us to prosperity and fulfillment only to let us down. This may tempt us to trust in ourselves, but if we instead turn to Him and give Him our hearts even when it’s difficult, Jesus will reward our faith with healing greater than any earthly ruler can give. This week, let us learn to surrender more of ourselves so that we can welcome into our midst a king most worthy of praise and devotion!