Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this weekend’s gospel, we hear a familiar passage of Jesus meeting the disciples at a time when they are fishing, have caught nothing, and are discouraged. We all can relate to feeling failure, discouragement, and disappointment. Simon Peter questions Jesus’s plan and guidance, only to be shown the abundance God provides. His response is, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man.” We hear this theme echoed in all our readings this weekend. What is your response and your story that echoes within you?

One point that resonated with me this week in our readings and with saints alike is that they have this response. Why? One point is that the closer we grow to God we notice how we need to improve. Not because we are bad, but because in comparison to the Divine and the One who is perfect, we can see where we need to grow. The farther we are in relationship to Him, it is easier to feel like we are doing fine and remain stagnant. When I am farther from God and surrounded by those who are not focused on God, I am more negative, struggle to see my sinfulness, and take less ownership in my need for improvement. When I spend more time in prayer, listen to music that supports my prayer, and are around those who are also focused on the Lord, I desire to improve and grow closer. We are loved by God just as we are, but He loves us so much that He desires more for us.

We have about a month until Lent, what is one thing already known to you that you want to grow in holiness and closeness to God? Let us grow closer to Him so we too can see improvements we need to make.