Fifth Week of Ordinary Time
There is a theme of unworthiness in our readings this weekend. Isaiah, Paul, and Peter all respond to God’s invitation with a profound display of humble unworthiness. God responds with love, great assurance, and commission to all of them. I am not sure about you, but this is exactly what was needed in my life this week: God’s love and great assurance! I have been struggling with the journey of parenting a child with neurodiverse needs, particularly this week. I have been overwhelmed by so many challenges and have found myself in prayer saying: “I can’t do this, it is too hard,” and questioning God’s plan. It has been a lot! Our readings show that God does not leave us to feel unworthy, in despair, or all alone. He meets us there and then commissions us, just as He does in the Scriptures. Peter doubts Jesus when he is told to keep fishing but is reassured with great love and commissioned for a greater plan, to be “fishers of men.” If we trust in God and His plan and leave all behind us, we recognize that we are loved sinners and we are called to great things. The journey may be a hard one, but I am reassured and comforted by His commissioning to this journey and know that I can do great things with Him! How do you need to listen in the silence this week to know He is there, comforting you with abundant love, and calling you to great things?