
Our focus this Gaudete Sunday is Joy! One thing that brings me great joy during Advent is watching the Elementary Students tell the story of the Nativity of our Lord. My heart is filled to overflowing when I hear kids read Scripture and sing their little hearts out about our Lord and Savior.

Many of the students also step out of their comfort zone to don a robe and bring us back in time to the first coming of the Messiah. The angels appear to the shepherds and say, “Do not be afraid. I bring you news of great joy!” They sing “Glory to God in the highest!” We Rejoice! The King of Kings, the Son of God, the Savior of the world has come!

The best part of this story is knowing now what had only been prophesied then. This baby grew to a man, healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind, cleared the ears of the deaf, the lame leaped and the mute sing the glories of the Lord. There is much to rejoice about. Know that YOU are loved by Jesus, Messiah, Immanuel. 

O’ come all ye faithful. Come and watch the children on December 14 at 6pm. Find joy in the season through the eyes and voices of the children of our parish.