
Pentecost…is all about the Holy Spirit, but what does the Holy Spirit mean to you?
There are a few things that resonated with me this week. I always love when I hear in scripture or prayers at Mass, “you have received a Spirit of adoption.” I think these words always linger with me because I want my daughter to hear those words being adopted into our family, but the more I reflect on those words, they are very profound. God chose me and I am His! The unconditional love that God has for me carries me on my hardest days. We hear Jesus in our Gospel say, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” The Holy Spirit is constantly with us and being poured into our lives so we will be reminded of Jesus’ words and supported through each moment. What does the Holy Spirit mean to me? It means when I am worried, anxious, struggling, and full of joy, I am filled with the Holy Spirit. I have the strength to do the next hard task, show compassion or caring words when it is hard, or receive the joy and support I seek. I am filled with the Holy Spirit always and am different because of it. I have received the Spirit of adoption and am so thankful that I have!