Second Week of Lent

“Listen to Him.”
The other day I was all over town running errands and an out of town game. AFTER we ordered dinner on the go, I pulled up and realized that I didn’t have my card! I’m in a panic, it’s been a busy day, it could be anywhere! The kids and I prayed that we’d find it, and I began retracing my day in my mind. Finally, I see myself placing the card on the seat beside me. Ah Ha! So, I turn to my daughter, and ask her if she might be sitting on my card. Her response floored me. “Yeah, I had a feeling I was sitting on it, but I was too lazy to check.”
This Second Sunday of Lent we hear the story of Jesus’ Transfiguration, signifying His authority and that Jesus IS the fulfillment of the laws and prophecies and foreshadows what will happen to Jesus. This moment was to prepare and strengthen the disciples. But, Peter, James, and John…well, they heard the words, but they didn’t get it at the time.
God said, “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.”
Listen to Him! Can you hear His voice? Do you recognize Him when He speaks to you? We can find His words all around us if we listen. The closer you are to God, the clearer you will hear His voice: in the Bible, at Mass, during Confession, Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, the good advice of a friend, that nagging in the pit of your stomach when something’s wrong, the quiet whisper in your heart, the warm feeling of joy… just to name a few. YES! Jesus is speaking to YOU, because He loves you and desires a relationship with you. In those little moments in life, in the big decisions, for all your needs, every single day. Put yourselves in position to listen to God.