Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

I love to garden. One of my favorite things to do is to pull weeds…and yes, I often get offers to weed other gardens. This weekend’s parable discusses those that sow the field with good seed, but question where the weeds came from. They want to “fix” the problem and pull the weeds to have a quick and clean harvest. The response they receive is not an expected one and I am challenged by the response. I want to do the right thing by quickly changing and controlling what I can. Sounds like a perfect solution, right? We hear otherwise throughout this parable. We need to be reminded that we have messy lives. We are saints, but also sinners. Evil does exist and we are human. Most of us would want to rid the field of weeds immediately to result in a quick, clean harvest. Instead, we hear wait! This shows God is patient with us. We are growing and learning, just as the seeds are young and tender. From my experience weeding in the springtime, you may uproot the good plants and damage could be done. In my unscholarly understanding of this parable, I see how God wants us to be patient, so we yield an abundant harvest. How can we have patience with others and ourselves? Do we look past faults by extending grace, love, and compassion, just like we receive from God’s gentle care? We need to sow the good seeds and strive to be saints, but have patience with ourselves through our sinfulness and mistakes. We need to continue to learn and grow through reconciliation and grace. How do you need to lean into patience and humility this week?