The Fifth of Lent

As we enter this last week of Lent, we hear of those who are seeking Jesus. We all have different reasons for seeking Him. What are some of your reasons? We hear Jesus’s response to Andrew and Philip as he says, “Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me…” What must you leave behind to serve and follow Jesus? What things do you cling to in your life to feel a sense of control, order, or balance? Most likely they are not serving the Father or honoring Him.
We are all a “work in progress;” I know I am. I have seen growth this Lent, but know I must continue to shed light in the darkness and hardness of my heart. As we hear in the psalm this weekend, I desire God to create in me a clean heart. The good news is that He desires me, and He desires you. He will continue to be patient with us as we transform ourselves so we can be drawn to Him. Keep desiring and working toward the light and His will, for He will draw all people to Himself.