The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also know as Corpus Christi. As Catholics we are celebrating what we believe, the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. With the Eucharistic Revival this past year, we have focused more on the Eucharist. We have had many formation opportunities to grow in relationship with Christ and understand what we receive in the sacrament of the Eucharist. My hope is that you have spent some time in prayer reflecting on what the Eucharist means to you. Do you desire to receive the Eucharist? Why is this important to you? If you have not, maybe this weekend is a good time to reflect on those questions.
This year I have reflected on growing closer in relationship with Christ and it has looked different throughout the year. In hindsight, I have noticed when I am in need, I desire to be closest to Him whether it is in Adoration or receiving the Eucharist. Through those moments there has been transformation and peace. Sometimes I only have the words to say, “Stay close to me, just help.” and He does! I continue to persevere and draw closer to Him. Through this sacrament, I feel God’s physical embrace to keep me strong and give me what I need when I need it.
How have you been transformed? Have you been strengthened by the Eucharist? We all have moments if we look. Share those moments with others so they may see His Presence and desire the Eucharist too!