Third Sunday of Advent
I love the trees in the morning this time of year! I know that sounds odd since they are bare, nothing is on them, and you can see the blemishes that the foliage covers during the other seasons. I imagine myself and how God sees me, sees us, as I reflect on this image. God can see everything, even what we want to hide, and yet He loves us. This image was made clear to me as I was driving my daughter to school this week. Our sunrises have been beautiful; this time in the morning is when the sun peaks over the hills and shines on the trees. In this image, I picture God shining His light onto us with all our blemishes. He makes us beautiful, just as he paints the sky with brilliant pinks and purples with the trees glowing during these winter morning sunrises. This week I have been reflecting on the opening line of our first reading: “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted…” (Isaiah 61:1). In prayer, I see this image where God is healing my broken heartedness. He is softening my hardened heart, and His love is cultivating the shoots of His gentleness and kindness. How can you take inventory this week and allow Him to heal your brokenness? As we near the end of this Advent season, invite Jesus and His love into your life and relationships and allow Him to heal you.