Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

I love the story of the wedding at Cana because it shows the first moment Jesus truly reveals His magnificence and glory. It’s there that He performs His very first miracle, where His disciples begin to believe in Him. Can you even imagine being at that wedding and witnessing such an incredible moment unfold? The celebration was winding down, and the host had run out of wine. Everyone was preparing to call it a night, but then—Jesus steps in. With a simple act, He turns water into wine, ensuring the joy and fellowship continue. How incredible! He chose this moment, at this celebration of love, to perform His miracle. He wanted people to continue in joy, love, and unity—a gift that enriched their lives.
Though our gifts may not be as miraculous as turning water into wine, they are no less significant. Isn’t it amazing to think that God has given each of us a unique spiritual gift? Not only has He blessed us with life, but He has also entrusted us with a gift to share with others. While we may not all recognize our gift in this earthly life, God is always working through and within us. Whether it’s wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, mighty deeds or many others, these gifts have the power to make a big impact on those we encounter.
My prayer for you is that you feel God’s presence in your life, that you recognize the gifts He has given you, and that you use them to spread His goodness to everyone around you. May your gifts draw others closer to God, helping them experience His love, fellowship, and true happiness.