Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

There are a few phrases that have resonated with me from this weekend’s first reading and Gospel. From Jeremiah: “The Lord has delivered his people…… they departed in tears, but I will console them and guide them.” From Mark’s Gospel: “What do you want me to do for you? …. Go your way; your faith has saved you.”
At some point, we all find ourselves in a valley or dark place. It may be now, and you need to hear God’s words spoken just for you or maybe in the future. Regardless of when, we all will experience pain, hopelessness, despair, grief, or darkness. What I hear most from this weekend’s readings is what we are to do in those times.
Bartimaeus (the blind man) repetitively cries out to Jesus for help and does not give up. Do we turn to Jesus in great times of need, repeatedly crying out to Him for help or do we turn from Him? Do we tell Him what we really need? Jesus knows the inner desires of our heart, so tell Him what you truly need?
May you know and believe in ALL the times in your life, you are not alone. God is there to console and guide you. With eyes of faith and in turning to the Lord, He helps carry us on our journey!