Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We hear a familiar Gospel this weekend. Jesus is instructing us on the greatest commandments. We should be cautious with familiarity. For me, I tend to glaze over with the familiar and not fully dissect what I am being asked. My reflection has focused on the following components this week:

· Loving God – Am I fully loving God and honoring Him? Am I vulnerable and turn to Him with everything? Do I do things that are not loving in my words and actions? Where can I make changes to love God more fully in my life?

· Loving Neighbor – How do I love my neighbor? Am I only loving those that are comfortable for me to love, respect, and help? How judgmental am I of those around me? Am I truly vulnerable to others or do I play it safe and keep my guard up?

· Loving Yourself – Do I really love myself and all of me? This is a hard one, but Jesus is asking us to love ourselves so we can, in turn, love as He is asking us to. How can I grow in love for myself so I can love God and my neighbor more fully?

All these questions are a great way to challenge ourselves so we can love more fully. As we hear in the Gospel: “To love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind…and to love your neighbor as yourself.”