Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

In both the First Reading and the Gospel, we hear of the poor and vulnerable (widows) giving all that they have. They act in great trust, not knowing how they will survive and give everything to God. Do we act in great trust as they did?

I admit this is one of the things I struggle with the most. In my head, I trust in the Lord that He has a plan for me and will see me through it. I know this; and yet I doubt and wrestle with accepting the hardships and trusting in the journey since He knows my heart. I focus my prayer on being honest and vulnerable with the Lord. Some days my prayer is: help me to trust and to see you with me.

Do you deeply trust the Lord? If you find yourself struggling to trust Him, openly ask Him to help you. He does not forget, nor does He abandon anyone. May we give the Lord all that we have out of love, trusting that He is accompanying us on the journey!