Transfiguration of the Lord

We had a fantastic week at Stellar VBS learning about stars, moons, comets, and Jesus’ light! Perhaps that is why the phrase that Peter uses in his Second Letter this week stuck out to me, “until the dawn comes and the morning star rises in your hearts.”
This phrase led me down a beautiful path of information and reflection: what is the morning star and how can I get it to rise in my heart?
When researching the “morning star,” I learned that this star has been visible since prehistoric days and is now known as the planet Venus. It is the brightest object in the sky and it glows with a steady light. It is the last star you see in the morning because it is the brightest. It can be seen at dawn, announcing the break of day.
In the Bible, we hear Jesus call himself the Bright Morning Star (Revelation 22:16). The greatest of all lights. Jesus came into the darkness of sin in this world. He enlightened us with his teachings and example. He announced the kingdom of God and gives us the gift of eternal life. He is indeed powerful, the source of light, “Light from light,” of all that is good, his love overcomes sin and darkness.
The Bright Morning Star will rise in your hearts with faith in Christ. Jesus himself tells us how… believe in him, spend time with him, receive him into your heart body mind and soul, trust him, accept him as your savior, seek forgiveness, and follow his ways. Do not fear: Light always overcomes darkness, and Jesus continues to light the way.
For a more full description of why Jesus is the morning star visit this website. For additional references of the term morning star visit this link! The analogy of Christ as light is amazing. See what you can find!