Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Leprosy…it is something we have a hard time wrapping our heads around today. This makes connecting to the Gospel more challenging unless we look at the leprosy of today. I would propose that it is being uncomfortable in our lives and wanting to be like everyone else. It is easy when things get tough to want it to get better. It is easy to turn to a quick fix like retail therapy, a glass of wine, staying busy, avoiding the problem, getting angry, casting blame, or even turning to prayer and asking God to “fix it or take it away.” I am no different. I don’t like to be uncomfortable and seek to make things better as soon as possible. But the challenge in the Gospel this weekend, is not to be made clean, but be transformed. Ten lepers were made clean (comfortable), but only one turned around, returned to Jesus, and was changed.  The things we go through in life can be hard. How are we desiring wholeness, change and Jesus Himself rather than comfort and something from Jesus? This is our challenge! Live in the uncomfortable, because you are being transformed in Christ and desire what He wants to change in your life. Things may be hard, but the journey and transformation in Him brings us closer to His plans for us.